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Donald Trump

018 Donald Trump

Herr Chang

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3 minuter sedan, skrev Khun Ken:

Nu kastar du sten i glashus. Om du hade brytt dig om att klicka på länkarna så hade du hört mycket utav din "Guds" svammel, det är tragiskt att det finns människor som tar Trump på allvar.




Du är ju exakt likadan...

Klicka på mina länkar så förstår du hur hjärntvättad och korkad du är.




"patraska = häll en skumpa över en småsparare!", "is kyler is", "i förorten bra, men hemma bäst"

Mr T: What's the quickest way to get stuff down from the top shelf? Gravity!




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2 minuter sedan, skrev Bibben:


Du är ju exakt likadan...

Klicka på mina länkar så förstår du hur hjärntvättad och korkad du är.




Tack det samma, du trampar på i sann Trumpanda.

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Want to get rich-ish quick? Donald Trump has a simple strategy--and it’s not from his sham university… or his sham institute. This is the sham he put into practice himself: a deliberate strategy of getting rich on the backs of those without the resources to fight him.

We mean this literally.  He’s made crushing working families an actual part of his business plan.

Want to get rich like he did? Well, first, take out a million-dollar loan from your tycoon father. And then...





Hire small businesses to build parts of your casinos. These aren’t big firms--they’re small, local mom-and-pop operations. The kind of folks who, if they crossed you, would probably be in a lot of trouble. Use businesses like Triad Building Specialties to install toilet partitionsor Edward J. Friel Company to build cabinets. In Florida, hire a local business owned by an 82-year-old immigrant to install the chandeliers in your private club. These folks are working hard every day to feed their families -- so it would be almost caricatureishly horrible if you were to, say, deliberately try to not pay them. But who would do that?




When the job’s done, just don’t acknowledge the invoice. It’s that simple!  You may say to yourself, “well, hey, Art of the steal dot biz, that’s a jerk move! These people worked hard and deserve to be paid!”

Well see, that’s because you’re a “good person.” There’s no room for that here.

And when they come to you to say “Hey there, millionaire! You didn’t pay me!” call them in for a meeting that goes down something one that Edward Friel in Atlantic City attended:

“After submitting the final bill for the Plaza casino cabinet-building in 1984, Paul Friel said he got a call asking that his father, Edward, come to the Trump family’s offices at the casino for a meeting. There Edward, and some other contractors, were called in one by one to meet with Donald Trump and his brother, Robert Trump.

Or John Millar...also in Atlantic City.

One of the hardest hit was John Millar, a marble supplier who was owed $3.9 million.
As he was walking into a meeting with contractors to share strategies about how to deal with Trump, landscaper Herman Caucci asked him what he planned to do: Stick it out in hopes of getting all he was owed, or take cash at a discount?
"I don't know, Herman, I need the money," Caucci recalls Millar responding before the March 1990 meeting. "I don't know what's going to happen to us. We could lose everything."

They’ll show up to the meeting unsure of what to expect, but that's when you hit ‘em.




Okay, so this is the magic. The artistic part of the deal, if you will. When the contractor, who again, we should remind you, is a small business person -- probably with an adorable middle class family who depends on the income they derive from the work they do -- shows up, tell them they’ve got a choice.

1. They can sue you, and they’ll probably be so awash in legal fees that it won’t even be worth it.


2. They can accept a fraction of what they’re owed.  

Look, these small businesses are just the little guy, running against your million dollar, soon-to-be-bankrupt real estate company. They’re powerless. ALL THE BETTER.

For example, in Florida:

After the wedding, Jacobsen repeatedly tried to get Trump and the resort to pay the remaining $17,000 owed to him. But the tycoon would not settle up. So Jacobsen took his story of being stiffed by Trump to the Palm Beach Post. After the article ran—it was headlined, "The Big 'I Do' Leaves Some Dues and Don'ts"—Trump berated the columnist who wrote it by phone, insisting that he hadn't paid the bill because Jacobsen had done a poor job installing the chandeliers.

Or in Atlantic City

Caucci, who himself was owed more than $500,000, says Millar agreed to take 10 cents on the dollar, but court documents suggest he got about 30 cents on the dollar over the next year. Millar is deceased. His family wouldn't respond to repeated calls for comment.

Either way, the money wasn't enough. Millar eventually had to lay off workers, shut down his business Avalon Commercial, close many of his retail stores and borrow from friends to make ends meet, according to court documents and Millar's lawyers and former employees.

Or...also in Atlantic City.

“HE ALMOST bankrupted us,” says the retired owner of a construction business on the east coast. Thirty years ago he ran a small business with around ten employees, which was hired by Donald Trump to work on an 11-month project at his Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City. It was the biggest contract, by far, that the business had ever had. The builders worked as they had never done before to complete the job on time. As soon as they finished, Mr Trump stopped paying. He owed around $200,000 of a bill totalling about $700,000, a huge sum for a small company.

Hit ‘em with the hard choice.




So, you’ve told these small businesses to take pennies on the dollar of what they’re owed. A bigger company with some more clout would probably sue you--you could never get away with it. But these businesses? They’re powerless...and now broke. You get an easy savings, but the small businesses? Well...they didn’t do so well. 

Take John Millar, the marble craftsman in Atlantic City.

Millar eventually had to lay off workers, shut down his business Avalon Commercial, close many of his retail stores and borrow from friends to make ends meet, according to court documents and Millar's lawyers and former employees.

Or the Cabinet Builder at his Atlantic City Harrah's.

The unpaid bill took a huge chunk out of the bottom line of the company that Edward ran to take care of his wife and five kids. “The worst part wasn’t dealing with the Trumps,” Paul Friel said. After standing up to Trump, Friel said the family struggled to get other casino work in Atlantic City. “There’s tons of these stories out there,” he said.

The Edward J. Friel Co. filed for bankruptcy on Oct. 5, 1989.

Says the founder's grandson: “Trump hits everybody.”

Or another bathroom partition installer

George Jenkins, the bathroom partition man who had to lay off his brother, was shocked when Trump balked at paying the $232,000 he was owed, according to his daughter, Beth Rosser. Her father never made it out of seventh grade, she says, and built his businesses on trust, no contracts. He died in 2010.

Per a recent USA Today investigation, there’s literally hundreds more examples of Trump facing liens and lawsuits for unpaid bills. 

And sure, some 82 year-old immigrant won’t be able to pay his bills. And sure, a man may have to lay off his brother.  But that’s capitalism, baby! You’re onto your next project. Sit back, relax, enjoy your millions, and don’t worry about the working families you just hosed.



This was his strategy. He could have hired a big company to do this work, but he hired the little guy -- small businesses and vendors -- and then used his power to force them to accept pennies on the dollar of what they’re owed. His business strategy was literally taking advantage of middle class families.  As the Newark Star-Ledger put it, he’s a “master grifter.”Donald Trump talks a lot about how he’s fighting for the little guy, but at the end of the day, the only guy he’s fighting for is himself.

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2 minuter sedan, skrev Khun Ken:

Tack det samma, du trampar på i sann Trumpanda.


Har du nån hjärnskada?



"patraska = häll en skumpa över en småsparare!", "is kyler is", "i förorten bra, men hemma bäst"

Mr T: What's the quickest way to get stuff down from the top shelf? Gravity!




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1 minut sedan, skrev Khun Ken:

Du är otrevlig lägg av, "pendejo"


Oj oj, ska det vara otrevligt, sen när är spanska ett "officiellt" språk här.


Jobbigt när du har fel och jag Rätt?



"patraska = häll en skumpa över en småsparare!", "is kyler is", "i förorten bra, men hemma bäst"

Mr T: What's the quickest way to get stuff down from the top shelf? Gravity!




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3 minuter sedan, skrev Bibben:


Oj oj, ska det vara otrevligt, sen när är spanska ett "officiellt" språk här.


Jobbigt när du har fel och jag Rätt?



Det var du som började slå an den otrevliga tonen. ปัญญาอ่อน

Detta är det sista svar du får på dina inlägg. Du kan skriva vad du vill, jag orkar inte bry mig.

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Guest Fredman
7 timmar sedan, skrev Khun Ken:

Trump importerar arbetskraft, har sökt visa för 1100 personer.




-Detta togs även upp av CNN igår.



Han kör efter devisen "Ni ska göra som jag säger, inte som jag gör". Alla som har försökt sig på att fostra barn vet hur dåligt det funkar. 

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Vilket märkligt sammanträffande. Enligt er är man inte dömd så är det skitsnack. Gäller det bara en sida.

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3 timmar sedan, skrev Fredman:

Han kör efter devisen "Ni ska göra som jag säger, inte som jag gör". Alla som har försökt sig på att fostra barn vet hur dåligt det funkar. 

Den devisen kör han även när det gäller produktion utomlands, det gör även hans dotter.





Donald Trump's 'Make America Great Again' hats are made by Latinos.





Ändrades av Khun Ken
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Även i Bangkok Post skrivs det om Donald Trump

Selling out is the true cost of supporting Trump

By now, it's obvious to everyone with open eyes that Donald Trump is an ignorant, wildly dishonest, erratic, immature, bullying egomaniac. On the other hand, he's a terrible person. But despite some high-profile defections, most senior figures in the Republican Party -- very much including Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, and Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader -- are still supporting him, threats of violence and all. Why?

One answer is that these were never men and women of principle. I know that many in the media are still determined to portray Mr Ryan, in particular, as an honest man serious about policy, but his actual policy proposals have always been transparent con jobs.




Being nice is overrated - Garfield

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43 minuter sedan, skrev Tallviking:

Även i Bangkok Post skrivs det om Donald Trump

Selling out is the true cost of supporting Trump

By now, it's obvious to everyone with open eyes that Donald Trump is an ignorant, wildly dishonest, erratic, immature, bullying egomaniac. On the other hand, he's a terrible person. But despite some high-profile defections, most senior figures in the Republican Party -- very much including Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, and Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader -- are still supporting him, threats of violence and all. Why?

One answer is that these were never men and women of principle. I know that many in the media are still determined to portray Mr Ryan, in particular, as an honest man serious about policy, but his actual policy proposals have always been transparent con jobs.





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Trumpchef slår ifrån sig om Ukrainapengar: ”Löjligt”

Donald Trumps kampanjchef Paul Manafort slår tillbaka mot New York Times uppgifter om att han tagit emot 12,7 miljoner dollar från pro-ryska intressen i Ukraina, kopplade till den före detta presidenten Viktor Janukovytj.
”Än en gång har New York Times valt att medvetet ignorera fakta och professionell journalistik”, skriver Manafort i ett uttalande.
Enligt honom är uppgifterna om att han skulle tagit emot pengar ”löjeväckande”.
New York Times källa är en statlig ukrainsk organisation som arbetar mot korruption och utbetalningarna ska ha utgjort en del av ett omfattande olagligt system av svarta pengar till politiker.


Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort denied a New York Times report that political leaders in Ukraine earmarked millions in undisclosed cash for him.

The Times reported that the political party of Ukraine’s pro-Russian former president Viktor Yanukovych set aside $12.7 million in undisclosed payments for the campaign operative. Manafort responded to the report in a statement sent to NBC News on Monday, calling it “unfounded, silly and nonsensical.”

“I have never received a single ‘off-the-books cash payment’ as falsely ‘reported’ by the New York Times nor have I ever done work for the governments of Ukraine or Russia,” Manafort said, adding that any payments he did receive overseas were for his entire political team. “This suggestion that I accepted cash payments is unfounded, silly, and nonsensical.”

The Times report said anti-corruption officials are investigating the earmarked payments, which were recorded on a secret ledger, though they have not determined whether or not Manafort actually received any cash. Manafort said his work in Ukraine ended after the 2014 parliamentary elections.

The Hillary Clinton campaign has also responded to the report, saying the report raises questions about the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. “Given the pro-Putin policy stances adopted by Donald Trump and the recent Russian government hacking and disclosure of Democratic Party records, Donald Trump has a responsibility to disclose campaign chair Paul Manafort’s and all other campaign employees’ and advisers’ ties to Russia and pro-Kremlin entities,” the statement reads.

Being nice is overrated - Garfield

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Rådgivare varnar för Trump

Amerikanska experter på Asien som tidigare tjänstgjort inom den republikanska administrationen under bland annat George W Bush säger i ett öppet brev att de stöttar Demokraternas Hillary Clinton i presidentvalet. Om Donald Trump skulle bli president skulle det leda till "förödande marginalisering" för USA i regionen, hävdar de.

I den globala strategiska konkurrensen är det "absolut fel tid att välja en instabil, dåligt förberedd amatör utan visioner eller förutseende att möta århundradets många utmaningar", skriver de tidigare åtta högt uppsatta experterna.


Being nice is overrated - Garfield

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Georges W Bush det var en fin kille som värnade freden framför allt. Genom att öka narkotika användningen. Mycket bra sätt enligt mig. Peace and understanding

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Trump’s kampamjchef knuten till pengaskandalen i Kiev.


NEW YORK: -- Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau say secret documents link Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, to $12.7m in ‘off the books payments’ from the party of ousted president Viktor Yanukovych.



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Hej jag undrar kan någon eller något ( republikanerna ) stoppa DT innan valet startar och vad händer om kampanj-pengarna flyttas till något annat ändamål? mvh

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47 minuter sedan, skrev John Khonken:

Georges W Bush det var en fin kille som värnade freden framför allt. Genom att öka narkotika användningen. Mycket bra sätt enligt mig. Peace and understanding


Jo , visst . Invaderade Irak ihop om att införa demokrati i landet

Men visst han stoppade kriget och bestämde att ALLA amerikaner skulle var ur Irak 

före  2008 års utgång.


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USA:s uttåg ur Irak

En av Obamas viktigaste frågor under sin presidentkandidatur var att han avsåg att avsluta USA:s militära närvaro i Irak. Detta skedde i slutet av 2011 när de sista amerikanska trupperna lämnade landet. Irak hade då en demokratiskt vald regering och tog över ansvaret för landets säkerhet.


Barack Obama kallade vid uttåget den drygt åtta år långa insatsen för lyckad, något som det råder delade meningar om. Klart är att diktatorn Saddam Hussein störtades och att landet kommit långt i en demokratiseringsprocess. Samtidigt är läget i Irak fortfarande väldigt osäkert, kriget har kostat över 100 000 människoliv och bidragit till en allvarlig ekonomisk kris i USA.  mvh


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