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Guest DrRambone

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Guest DrRambone

"Update: writers’ call to amend Article 112

Wed, 15/06/2011 - 15:21 | by prachatai

As of 15 June, 336 writers have signed the petition to amend the lèse majesté law and to stop using the law to suppress the expression of political views.

The petition was started on 19 May by a group of 8 well-known young writers who sent an open letter asking their peers to join their call. Shortly afterwards, however, one of them withdrew from the campaign for personal reasons.

The seven writers are Binla Sankalakhiri, Prabda Yun, Duangruethai Aesanachatang, Sakariya Amataya, Kittipol Sarakkanon, Woraphoj Phanpong and Wad Rawi.

In their video clip posted on the Vimeo website on 7 June, they said that those who had signed their open letter included senior and young writers, well-known artists and poets, winners of major national literary awards, columnists, editors, documentary writers, critics, translators, bloggers, copy writers, songwriters, cartoonists, etc. The name list can be found here. "


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Guest DrRambone


"Article 112: Awareness Campaign launched

Wed, 30/03/2011 - 15:21 | by prachatai

On 27 Mar, immediately after the public forum held by Nitirassadorn, the group of Thammasat law lecturers, to propose amendments to the lèse majesté law, a group of activists launched a public awareness campaign to call on Thai society to open up discussion and debate about the law.

'No 112' masks

The Article 112: Awareness Campaign has been endorsed by over 100 Thais and foreigners in various walks of life, including writers, artists, labour unionists, academics, journalists, lawyers, and government officials, the group said.

Article 112 of the Thai Criminal Code concerns offences deemed to defame, insult or threaten the King, the Queen, the Heir Apparent or the Regent; this offence of lèse majesté carries a jail sentence of 3-15 years.

The group said that currently lèse majesté allegations were rife in the ongoing political conflicts. Those alleged to have committed the offence are subject to severe punishment and considered disloyal to the monarchy and a threat to national security. The law allows a very broad interpretation and allows anyone to file complaints.

As a result, the law has been easy to abuse politically, and Thai society is dominated by a fear of expressing opinions in public about the monarchy. Thai law enforcers are also obliged to pursue lèse majesté cases, often denying the accused their rights or intimidating them or processing cases in an unaccountable manner.

‘This campaign is aimed at raising awareness and understanding of this law among the public, encouraging discussion about its impacts, and seeking solutions based on freedom of expression in a democracy,’ said Prab Laoharojanaphan, a Thammasat student and member of the group.

‘Many people still mistakenly believe that to talk about this issue, or about abolishing the law, itself constitutes lèse majesté or subverting the institution. This attitude and accusations like this currently exist in society. We should encourage discussion about the problems of the law and how it affects many people. And we should let other people say what we disagree with. We’re gagged, but we don’t do the same to others,’ said Prachatai Director Chiranuch Premchaiporn, one of the activists.

Afterwards, at about 6 pm, the 24 June group, Red Siam, the Students Federation of Thailand and other activists paraded from Thammasat University to the Democracy Monument, shouting ‘Abolish 112’ all the way. There, they delivered public speeches, calling for abolition of the law.

'Abolish Article 112 for equality and liberty'


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