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Priset för 244 varor sänks i Thailand

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Den anses vara för stark med sina dryga 6% av många Thailändare som ofta föredrar den sötare och alkoholsvagare Leo, den föredrar t.ex frugan som tycker att Chang är för stark.

Mvh isan lover

Längesen du var i Thailand?

Chang har sänkt till 5.5, byt till mindre flaska, byt färg och höjt priset.

Smakar blaskigt numera.

De kallar den fortfarande för classic. :waaaht:




Lex-Thaksin, 25,355 korruptionsfall ska få amnesti.

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Guest Isan Lover

Längesen du var i Thailand?

Chang har sänkt till 5.5, byt till mindre flaska, byt färg och höjt priset.

Smakar blaskigt numera.

De kallar den fortfarande för classic. :waaaht:





Vi lämnade ju byn i mars och då var allt sig likt, tråkigt att dom har förstört en god öl.

Mvh isan lover

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Vi lämnade ju byn i mars och då var allt sig likt, tråkigt att dom har förstört en god öl.

Mvh isan lover

Har faktiskt google streeview på huvudvägen genom min by.

19°37'45.59" N  98°57'33.52" E

Lex-Thaksin, 25,355 korruptionsfall ska få amnesti.

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Det gör naturligtvis dom flesta, men själv köper jag gärna produkter som är ex.vis ekologiska, fair trade märkta och framställda under bra villkor, jag slutade köpa Franska viner när dom utsattes för en global bojkott, jag köper inte Israelisk frukt eftersom den kan vara producerad på ockuperad mark och för att jag ogillar deras behandling av Palestinierna, jag tyckte att det var bra med en bojkott mot Syd Afrika under apartheid, jag avstår gärna dom produkter som kan kopplas samman med barnarbete, global miljöförstöring, skövling av regnskog o.s.v, detta var bara några exempel, vi konsumenter kan göra många dagliga val för att visa vårt missnöje med olika saker och för att visa vårt stöd för andra.

Att sluta köpa Singha när det visar sig att familjen bakom finansierade upploppen i Bangkok och militärkuppen är självklart för mig som är emot kupper, juntor och diktatur.

Sån är jag men det är ju upp till var och en att göra som den vill i såna här frågor.

Mvh isan lover

Då kanske du skall lägga till detta på din lista.  


Thailand: World’s largest canned tuna company linked to slavery, environmental crimes

By Graham Land Oct 20, 2015 11:42AM UTC
Some 200,000 Burmese migrant workers work in Thailand's fish and seafood industry. Pic: Solidarity Center/Jeanne Hallacy, 2014

Some 200,000 Burmese migrant workers work in Thailand’s fish and seafood industry. Pic: Solidarity Center/Jeanne Hallacy, 2014

Environmentally destructive, unregulated and guilty of shocking human rights abuses, the tuna industry is a dirty business. The biggest tuna company in the world, Thai Union Group, has become a target of a global campaign by environmental activist organization, Greenpeace, in the hope that exposure and pressure will result in some positive changes from the Thailand-based seafood firm.

Thai Union Group has processing plants in Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa and the United States. It encompasses several leading seafood companies under its brand umbrella, including Chicken of the Sea (USA); John West (UK) Petit Navire and Parmentier (France); Mareblu (Italy); as well as top Thai brands Sealect, Fisho and Bellotta.

Greenpeace has already had success pressuring companies in Australia and the UK to clean up their tuna supply chains and wants the world’s largest tuna firm to improve behavior in terms of overfishing, labor abuse, impact on local communities, destructive fishing practices, and using “transshipping” to hide illegal fishing practices.

Thai Union Group linked to slavery at sea

In July a New York Times exposé revealed how fishing boats that supplied catch to Thai Union Group-owned canneries used kidnapped and enslaved migrant workers, mainly from Cambodia and Myanmar (Burma).

Thai Union has come under increased scrutiny since the New York Times piece, as well as a lawsuit against Nestle. Though Thai Union wasn’t the company being sued, the case was predicated on Nestle’s purchasing of fish from a known user of slave labor (TUG) for its Fancy Feast cat food brand.

Here is an extract from the lawsuit (via Undercurrent News):

Instead of true employment, men and boys are sold as slaves by brokers and smugglers to fishing captains in Thai ports in need of labor. Once sold, these men and boys… enter a modern form of indentured servitude where they are required to work to pay off the price the captains paid to purchase them.

Not just tuna, not just people, but dogs and cats too

Greenpeace’s campaign against environmental and human rights abuses in the global tuna industry is named “Not just tuna”, in order to highlight that the issue is not simply one of ecological degradation due to overfishing, but also of health and human rights.

Furthermore, it is not just people who are consuming vast amounts of unethical tuna. Some of the US’s top pet food brands — including Meow Mix, Fancy Feast (Nestle) and Iams — have bought some 28 million pounds of seafood-based cat and dog food from Thai Union Group. The ships it contracts supply forage fish for pet food and agricultural feed for pigs, chickens and farmed fish in the United States.

The U.S. is the largest customer of Thai fish with a large and rapidly growing portion of it destined for the pet food industry. In fact, the average cat in the U.S. eats twice as much food as the average human — around 30 pounds per year.

Greenpeace demands real change, not just polished cans

Pic: Mike Mozart (Flickr CC)

Pic: Mike Mozart (Flickr CC)

While Thai Union has launched a shiny new PR campaign to improve its image, Greenpeace would like to see concrete changes in industry practices, particularly transparency in order that consumers can be aware of where their product is coming from and how it is sourced.

Thai Union Group’s British John West brand claims on its packaging that its tuna is 100 percent traceable, yet Greenpeace has revealed that, as of now, this is simply not true. Last month 14 brands of canned tuna on the Thai market failed Greenpeace’s tests for sustainability, traceability and equity.


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Guest Isan Lover

Då kanske du skall lägga till detta på din lista.  


Thailand: World’s largest canned tuna company linked to slavery, environmental crimes

By Graham Land Oct 20, 2015 11:42AM UTC
Some 200,000 Burmese migrant workers work in Thailand's fish and seafood industry. Pic: Solidarity Center/Jeanne Hallacy, 2014

Some 200,000 Burmese migrant workers work in Thailand’s fish and seafood industry. Pic: Solidarity Center/Jeanne Hallacy, 2014

Environmentally destructive, unregulated and guilty of shocking human rights abuses, the tuna industry is a dirty business. The biggest tuna company in the world, Thai Union Group, has become a target of a global campaign by environmental activist organization, Greenpeace, in the hope that exposure and pressure will result in some positive changes from the Thailand-based seafood firm.

Thai Union Group has processing plants in Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa and the United States. It encompasses several leading seafood companies under its brand umbrella, including Chicken of the Sea (USA); John West (UK) Petit Navire and Parmentier (France); Mareblu (Italy); as well as top Thai brands Sealect, Fisho and Bellotta.

Greenpeace has already had success pressuring companies in Australia and the UK to clean up their tuna supply chains and wants the world’s largest tuna firm to improve behavior in terms of overfishing, labor abuse, impact on local communities, destructive fishing practices, and using “transshipping” to hide illegal fishing practices.

Thai Union Group linked to slavery at sea

In July a New York Times exposé revealed how fishing boats that supplied catch to Thai Union Group-owned canneries used kidnapped and enslaved migrant workers, mainly from Cambodia and Myanmar (Burma).

Thai Union has come under increased scrutiny since the New York Times piece, as well as a lawsuit against Nestle. Though Thai Union wasn’t the company being sued, the case was predicated on Nestle’s purchasing of fish from a known user of slave labor (TUG) for its Fancy Feast cat food brand.

Here is an extract from the lawsuit (via Undercurrent News):

Not just tuna, not just people, but dogs and cats too

Greenpeace’s campaign against environmental and human rights abuses in the global tuna industry is named “Not just tuna”, in order to highlight that the issue is not simply one of ecological degradation due to overfishing, but also of health and human rights.

Furthermore, it is not just people who are consuming vast amounts of unethical tuna. Some of the US’s top pet food brands — including Meow Mix, Fancy Feast (Nestle) and Iams — have bought some 28 million pounds of seafood-based cat and dog food from Thai Union Group. The ships it contracts supply forage fish for pet food and agricultural feed for pigs, chickens and farmed fish in the United States.

The U.S. is the largest customer of Thai fish with a large and rapidly growing portion of it destined for the pet food industry. In fact, the average cat in the U.S. eats twice as much food as the average human — around 30 pounds per year.

Greenpeace demands real change, not just polished cans

Pic: Mike Mozart (Flickr CC)

Pic: Mike Mozart (Flickr CC)

While Thai Union has launched a shiny new PR campaign to improve its image, Greenpeace would like to see concrete changes in industry practices, particularly transparency in order that consumers can be aware of where their product is coming from and how it is sourced.

Thai Union Group’s British John West brand claims on its packaging that its tuna is 100 percent traceable, yet Greenpeace has revealed that, as of now, this is simply not true. Last month 14 brands of canned tuna on the Thai market failed Greenpeace’s tests for sustainability, traceability and equity.



Tonfisken är ju utrotningshotad på många platser och är redan utrotad på andra som i ex.vis Sverige, dessutom fångas och dödas mängder av delfiner vid detta fiske helt i onödan.

Tonfisk bör man nog inte köpa om man värnar naturen.

Med vänlig hälsning isan lover

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Tonfisken är ju utrotningshotad på många platser och är redan utrotad på andra som i ex.vis Sverige, dessutom fångas och dödas mängder av delfiner vid detta fiske helt i onödan.

Tonfisk bör man nog inte köpa om man värnar naturen.

Med vänlig hälsning isan lover

Det finns tonfiskarter som är rikligt förekommande bland dom 15 arter som finns.


SKIPJACK (Katsuwonas pelamis)

Relatively small, and the most abundant and widely-fished of tuna species. The fish can be up to a meter in length, but is rarely recognisable when served up. It makes up over 70% of the American canned tuna market (often called chunk light). Tuna chunks and flakes in brine or oil, on a sandwich, baked potato, or pizza? Safe bet its skipjack.



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Guest Isan Lover

Det finns tonfiskarter som är rikligt förekommande bland dom 15 arter som finns.


SKIPJACK (Katsuwonas pelamis)

Relatively small, and the most abundant and widely-fished of tuna species. The fish can be up to a meter in length, but is rarely recognisable when served up. It makes up over 70% of the American canned tuna market (often called chunk light). Tuna chunks and flakes in brine or oil, on a sandwich, baked potato, or pizza? Safe bet its skipjack.




Det gör det men riktar man nu fisket mot dessa kommer dom snart att vara rödlistade också, sen är ju även fiskemetoderna med sina bifångster och dom slaveriliknande förhållandena ett problem.

Med vänlig hälsning isan lover


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Guest Isan Lover

Dom slavlika förhållandena uppstod dom när juntan tog över?


Det vet du säkert lika bra som mig att dom inte gjorde.

Men det är lika fel oavsett om det är en folkvald regering som styr eller en militärjunta.

Mvh isan lover

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Det vet du säkert lika bra som mig att dom inte gjorde.

Men det är lika fel oavsett om det är en folkvald regering som styr eller en militärjunta.

Mvh isan lover

Där är vi överens! 

Ändrades av Khun Ken
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