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  2. apknug


    Jätte kul mina vänner. Fortsätt läsa bipacksedeln så kommer ni inte få några biverkningar. Sen kan man iof, igen, undra varför man promt måste läsa nån som man blockat... Måste vara verkligen tråkigt i Sverige med 1 minusgrad och snö.... Inte konstigt att man måste läsa alla man "blockat"...
  3. berlitz


    Så fort man tycker olika än myndigheter/ledarna så har man konspirationsteorier eller foliehatt. Inte mycket utrymme till egna uppfattningar där,följ strömmen utan att ifrågasätta. Den ideala medborgaren.
  4. berlitz

    Vad dricker ni just nu?

    Förmodligen för kort sugrör 🙄
  5. Idag
  6. Peolito

    Vad åt Ni idag? Bildtråd.

    Brunos korvbar levererade.
  7. goli006

    Vad gör du JUST nu? Bildtråd.

    Inte varje dag man får blommor
  8. rolba

    Vad åt Ni idag? Bildtråd.

    Hamburgertallrik på Chicken Coop
  9. rolba

    Vad dricker ni just nu?

  10. Mr Ning Ning


    Undrar varför han citerar mig när han vet att jag blockat honom. Men vissa verkar ha tråkigt i Thailand då dom verkar bo på MPR å TS hela dagarna. Måste finnas roligare saker att göra.
  11. Kenneth4618

    Vad åt Ni idag? Bildtråd.

    Korv å potatispuré med dill och rödbetor
  12. Kenneth4618


    Och läsförståelsen är =0, precis som vanligt. Läs inläggen innan du börjar svamla, jävla Pucko 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .............
  13. rolba

    Vad gör du JUST nu? Bildtråd.

    Offrar mig på en massage så man får nyttja lite ac. Onödigt varmt idag. Bara 37 nu men har varit 39 för ett par timmar sedan.
  14. apknug


    Det fanns fasen INGEN information tillgänglig om Vaccinet på de lokaler jag besökte, man fick eventuellt reda på vilket vaccin de sköt in, innan sprutan togs. Sitta o snacka om bipacksedeln som om man köpt det själv på apoteket. Man tar sig för rövhålet.
  15. Kenneth4618


    Nu menade jag mediciner rent allmänt, skrev inte vaccin. Men visst har jag googlat på de vaccinsprutor vi tagit. 6 till mig och 4 till frugan och vi mår förträffligt bra 😉
  16. mrsurin

    Aktier och sånt ...

    Såg igår att något var på gång i Eurocin, köpte 220 000 st och kursen rusar idag också.
  17. Det blir väl natten mellan fre - lör. Pga minnesförlust kommer det att bli en kort natt.
  18. Mr Ning Ning


    Å de satt du och läste innan du tog sprutorna? Tillåt mig tvivla. Det är nog så att man litar på sjukvården och det dom säger.
  19. Mr Ning Ning


    Jag hade Aldrig sådant symptom innan sprutorna så det finns inte mkt annat att skylla på. Konstigt att läkarna inte hittar minsta problem hos mig efter alla prover. Grattis att du känner dig bra.
  20. Kenneth4618


    Finns risker med alla mediciner, bara att läsa bipacksedeln som följer med.
  21. Jed


    Sen kanske det inte har med sprutorna att göra? det är ingen rolig sak som du upplever men det kan finnas flera alternativ till varför du känner trötthet. Själv är jag pigg som en mört, och som sagt i princip alla jag känner upplever samma sak?
  22. Mr Ning Ning


    Jag tog 3 sprutor och efter dom blev jag ovanligt trött och det sitter i fortfarande. Har lämnat flera prover för bl.a socker men man hittar inget fel. Det verkar som "vetenskapsmännen" på MPR har svårt att acceptera att man kan få oönskade effekter av mediciner och att detta kan visa sig mkt olika mellan personer. Jag har pratat med flera personer som fått samma trötthet efter sprutorna så det är inget jag är ensam om,eller bara hittar på. Jävligt jobbigt att ständigt vara trött oavsett hur bra jag sover.
  23. Jed


    Det är alltså den här John Campbell du hänvisar till ? Vaccines In November 2021, Campbell quoted from a non-peer-reviewed standalone journal abstract by Steven Gundry saying that mRNA vaccines might increase the risk of heart attack, and said that this might be "incredibly significant".[4] This video was viewed over 2 million times within a few weeks and was used by anti-vaccination activists as support for the misinformation that COVID-19 vaccination causes heart attacks.[4] According to a FactCheck.org review, although Campbell had drawn attention to the abstract's typos and its lack of methodology and data, he did not mention the expression of concern that had been issued against it.[4] In March 2022, Campbell posted a misleading video about the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, claiming that a Pfizer document admitted that the vaccine was associated with over 1,000 deaths. The video was viewed over 750,000 times and shared widely on social media. In reality, the document explicitly discredited any connection between vaccinations and reported deaths.[3] In July 2022, Campbell gave an error-filled account of an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine and falsely claimed that it showed the risk to children from COVID-19 vaccination was much greater than the risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19 itself. The video received over 700,000 views. The article actually showed that COVID-19 vaccination greatly reduced the risk of children getting seriously ill from COVID-19.[23] In October 2022, Campbell uploaded a YouTube video in which he said he was sharing a scandalous "revelation" that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine did not prevent viral transmission, something he claimed had been hitherto hidden from the public. In reality, Pfizer had openly published at the time of the vaccine's creation that its effectiveness at preventing transmission was unknown and, in May 2021 before he became antivax, Campbell himself had posted a video acknowledging that the vaccine's potential to prevent transmission was unknown.[24] In December 2022 Campbell posted a video in which he made selective use of statistics to make the misleading claim that COVID-19 vaccines were so harmful that they should be withdrawn. The paper he used was in reality only considering hospitalisations from COVID-19 in a short time window, and not the overall vaccine risk/benefit balance. David Spiegelhalter, chair of Cambridge University's Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication, said that such use of the data seemed "entirely inappropriate".[25] In February 2023, nanomedicine specialist Susan Oliver published a YouTube video debunking false information Campbell has posted about vaccine brain injury. Within six hours Oliver's video was removed, apparently because of the content in clips included from Campbell's video, while Campbell's entire original remained online. Oliver speculated this may have been as a result of coordinated complaints made by Campbell's YouTube followers, or that YouTube favoured high-traffic, highly profitable accounts; a YouTube spokesman said the number of complaints received did not affect decisions to remove content.[26] In August 2023, Campbell misrepresented a warning from the CDC, claiming that the CDC had said vaccinated people were more at risk from a new COVID variant than unvaccinated ones. In reality, the CDC had merely said that vaccinated people and people previously infected with COVID were susceptible to the new variant, without making any comparison to the unvaccinated.[27] Death count A popular misconception throughout the pandemic has been that COVID-19 misinformation deaths have been dramatically over-reported.[5] In January 2022, Campbell posted a video in which he cited figures from the British Office for National Statistics (ONS) and suggested that they showed deaths from COVID-19 were "much lower than mainstream media seems to have been intimating". He concentrated on a figure of 17,371 death certificates showing only COVID-19 as the cause of death. Within a few days, the video had been viewed over 1.5 million times.[28] It was shared by Conservative Party politician David Davis, who called it "excellent" and said that it was "disentangling the statistics".[5] The ONS responded by debunking the claims as spurious and wrong.[29] An ONS spokesman said suggesting that the 17,000 figure "represents the real extent of deaths from the virus is both factually incorrect and highly misleading".[30] The official figure for COVID-19-related deaths in the UK for the period was over 175,000 at the time; in 140,000 of those cases, the underlying cause of death was listed as COVID-19.[5][31] In October 2023, the BBC Radio 4 programme More or Less debunked a video that Campbell had made in September 2023 in which he wrongly claimed that excess deaths were higher among those who had had a COVID-19 vaccine than those who had not; the figures he used in fact showed the opposite.[32] Campbell took down his video after being contacted by the programme, telling them that he was not a statistician.[32] Monkeypox parallels In July 2022, Campbell posted a video in which he promoted the incorrect idea that "parallels" could be drawn between the SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes COVID-19 and the 2022 monkeypox outbreak because "both pathogens were being studied in laboratories" prior to an outbreak.[33]
  24. rolba

    Brynäs Brynäs Brynäs

    Nu gäller det att prioritera.
  25. Kenneth4618


    Jag säger som salige HC brukade säga "man tar sig för pannan" när man läser alla tossiga inlägg från forumets konspirationsteoretiker 🤪
  26. gorjos

    Vad åt Ni idag? Bildtråd.

    Blev lite lunch idag också. Hittade en chiliplanta med storhetsvansinne. Frukterna är nästan större än plantan.
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